Friday, December 04, 2009

Le Roi Lion et Mozart L'Opera Rock


I am very delighted to announce: I just won tickets to go see "Le Roi Lion" !

It's a Broadway musical, so it's something like a big deal ;)
Ya, I'm oober excited and "I.. just can't wait to be kinggg...!" hehe

The show is on Tuesday, December 8th @ 8pm. I've always wanted to see "Lion King" in the states, so I think it's just magnificent that I am able to go see it here -& for FREE!!!
...that's always a plus in my book.
What's nice is that I had just won tickets last week to "Mozart L'Opera Rock" on Tuesday, November 24th. It was "awesome" - yea. that's right. I said it.
I had a great time with my roommate (& friend) Stephanie, rocking out to the French rock songs. Click here for a preview.

I will post my own video clipping(s) later, but for now, enjoy the pictures!! ♥

I was very excited to go. I am currently working on my debut collection (as I like to call it) in which my inspiration is French royalty: i.e. Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon III, Catherine d'Medinci. I wanted to add a rock element to it - thus creating my collection:
La Princesse Rock

So the tickets came at a great time.

Below are pictures of my mood board for my collection ➧ ➧ w/the FREE tickets also captured ( hehe =)

If nothing else, be intrigued  & inspired by the costumes & backdrops.

& The cast...
     Bravo!! Encore!!

Modern crinoline dresses. I was in love.

Full house.

Sometimes the rocker in me just unleashes itself...
...what can I say?

l'images d'Rio Lion coming soon!! ♥

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